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I am new to Box.
I singn up as developer user and set up a customized app with OAuth2.0 and JWT authentication.

After making project [ box-java-sdk-samples/box-appusers-java-server-sample at master · box/box-java-sdk-samples · GitHub]  run locally,  I created an App User and a folder named Test Folder and a file named test.txt simultaneously.
But the created folder and file are not shown in

Why? and how to see the uploaded files in console?

Hi @sherry fan

Welcome to our community! To view the files uploaded by an App User in the Box Admin Console, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account and go to your Admin Console.
  2. Go to "Users & Groups" and select "App Users."
  3. Find the specific App User you created for your customized app.
  4. Click on the App User's name to view their details.
  5. Under the "Content Manager Access" section, ensure that the appropriate permissions are granted for accessing content.
  6. If needed, adjust the settings to allow viewing of files and folders created by this App User.

By following these steps, you should be able to see the uploaded files in the Box Admin Console under the respective App User's account. Please let us know if you need further assistance, we’re here to help!

Thank you for your reply.
After clicking on the App User's name ,the "Content Manager Access" section is not there.

Under User Details there are "Role and Access Permissions","Folder Collaborations","Groups","Managed Devices" Sections.
"Content Manager Access" means "Folder Collaborations" section? Or developer user has no permission to view "Content Manager Access"?

Thank you for your reply.
After clicking on the App User's name ,the "Content Manager Access" section is not there.

Under User Details there are "Role and Access Permissions","Folder Collaborations","Groups","Managed Devices" Sections.
"Content Manager Access" means "Folder Collaborations" section? Or developer user has no permission to view "Content Manager Access"?


Hi @JeyBueno Box  
Thank you for your reply. I can't find "Content Manager Access".

Hi @sherry fan 👋 Thanks for bringing that up and sorry to have missed that. Upon further checking, developer console currently do not have access to the “Content Manager”.

You can do Instant Login instead to view the files uploaded by an App User without Content Manager Access. To do so:

  1. Log in to Box and click Admin Console.
  2. Click Users & Groups.
  3. Click the App User's name to view their details then Log in to this account.
  4. Once logged in, you will see the created folders or files. You can also change the folder owner if necessary.

I look forward to have this sorted out. Have a great day! 🔅

Hi @JeyBueno Box  Thanks for your prompt reply.
Since my app user has login email like this “AppUser_*******”, I cannot login by this email right?

I tried to replace this email by creating email alias, but failed.

I think I should create user by specifying the login email?

Hi @sherry fan 👋
Thanks for getting back to us. App Users do not have login credentials and they are accessible via the API. However, when you are logged in as Admin, App Users can be accessed via Instant Login when you navigate to Users & Groups without the need to create a login email.

In the event that you’re having trouble accessing the App Users and logging in, our Support team can further investigate the issue. You may submit a ticket providing the error message by visiting our Support page.

You may also learn more about developer console and user types here: Box Platform 101💡

For security, I’ve removed some of the App User information. Moving forward, please refrain from providing specific account or personal details. 🔐 Take care!

Hi @JeyBueno Box 
Thank you. In my case, I can access the files via APIs. 

You may also learn more about developer console and user types here: Box Platform 101💡

This is helpful. Thank you again.
