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Can Box API Track User-Specific Download Limits via API?

  • November 27, 2024
  • 0 replies


Hello!  We’re a company exploring cloud storage solutions for a project we’re building for our clients, and Box is at the top of our list. Before moving forward, we want to confirm whether the platform can meet some specific requirements, particularly around user access and download control.

Below, I’ve outlined our key needs, and we’d greatly appreciate any insights on whether these features are supported natively or can be achieved using the API.

  1. Storage Capacity:

    • We require at least 10TB of cloud storage to share with multiple users (between 100 and 1,000 users).
  2. Access for Users:

    • Users should be able to access shared folders via the desktop app without requiring local storage space (e.g., files remain in the cloud and download on demand).
    • They will have view-only permissions, allowing them to open and preview files but not edit them.
  3. Download Control:

    • It is critical for us to monitor and restrict downloads per user over defined time periods. For example:
      • Users on a trial period may not download more than 10GB within one day.
      • Users should not exceed 1TB of downloads within a 30-day period.
    • If a user exceeds these limits, we need the ability to automatically adjust their permissions to view-only.
  4. API Access and Management:

    • We require full API access to implement and manage these restrictions programmatically. This includes changing user permissions dynamically if limits are exceeded.

Could you please confirm if your platform supports these features? 

We are actively evaluating several platforms and aim to find the best solution to provide this service to our clients. Thank you for your time and assistance.


Looking forward to your response. Michael

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